Oregon Political Tax Credit
It's your fifty bucks. Use it or lose it.
The Oregon Political Tax Credit is one of those progressive ideas that makes Oregon a great place to live, work, and play.
Through our tax system, the State of Oregon gives almost every tax-paying Oregonian a $50 gift. But you can't keep it. Instead, you must either pay it back in state taxes -- or donate it to a qualified political campaign or cause.
To put it another way: By donating $50 to a political campaign of your choice, you can reduce your taxes or increase your refund by that same $50 (assuming you pay at least $50 in taxes). That's right: it's a full 100% credit, not a deduction.
The bottom line? By contributing $50 to a progressive political campaign, you can make Oregon a better place - and it won't cost you a dime. Married, filing jointly? It's $50 per person -- so you and your spouse can donate $100 and get it all back!
How do you claim the $50 tax credit?
You'll find it on line 24 of the Form 40 individual tax form.

What donations qualify for the credit?
Here's what the state tax instructions say:
Political contribution credit. Fill in your total political contributions, but not more than $100 on a joint return or $50 on all others. You must have contributed money during [the calendar year] to any of the following:
- A political party.
- A qualified candidate (or the candidate’s principal campaign committee) for federal, state, or local office to be voted for in Oregon.
- A political action committee certified in Oregon.
So, basically any candidate or measure on the ballot in Oregon, any political party, or any political committee registered in Oregon. (But not a 501c3 nonprofit; those are deductible elsewhere.) More info from the state of Oregon.
Two important final notes:
- The tax credit is now only available to single adults with incomes under $75,000 and joint filers with income under $150,000.
- The Oregon Political Tax Credit is not a refundable credit. So, if your taxes are already zero, then you won't get your $50 back.